Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Cimmerian Shade Release Day Blitz

Dare to discover what lurks in the shadows in **New & Exclusive** paranormal and urban fantasy stories from your favorite NY Times, USA Today, and International Bestselling authors.
Under moonlit skies, witches, werewolves, vampires, demons, dragons, and more, battle not only for their mates, but to stay alive...
Fall for the alphas who play by their own rules despite the odds, whether century-old curses or forbidden love, or worse. For them, what lies in the darkness is worth the fight when it comes to romance.

About the Book

Cimmerian Shade Boxed Set
by Various Authors
Paranormal Romance
Urban Fantasy
Naughty Nights Press LLC
Publication Date
September 12, 2017
Get Your Copy Today!
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo  |  iBooks

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bryan Tann: Let Him Into Your Imagination


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**Look what is coming soon!**

Ed and Livvy, intended release date early October 2017.


Ed is stuck in a miserable job and a worse marriage, and wishes the world would just end. Livvy's heart has been shattered too often to count, and her fear of a previous life haunts her. Their worlds combine after one traumatic event. Her mind. His strength. Together they'll fight back.
ed and livvy
Enya Blake, former Mistress of Pittsburgh, is (maybe, hopefully?) about to get her very own story if chosen for this anthology! She may look innocent but don't let her fool you. This lass can melt you, literally, from the inside out if she wanted to!
the enforcer cover

Have you read the Path of Redemption series and/or the John Baker Chronicles yet? 💥💥Available now in print and kindle format💥💥 The New Breed of Destruction has arrived... http://smarturl.it/TheStoryOfBryceBk1 amazon.com/author/bryanatann #horror #darkfantasy #amreading #kindleunlimited His first novel, available now in print and kindle formats (including Kindle Unlimited), A Story of Bryce Kreed: The Enforcer: Dark Lands (The Path of Redemption Book 1). For over two hundred years the powerful hands of Bryce Kreed have ended countless lives at the will of the Vampire Council. The thrill of the hunt drove the mighty vampire warrior, causing him to become a ruthless, and violent killer whose acts were performed with no fear of any consequences, sending him down a path of eternal damnation. Today, his path is chaotic and unclear with no direction or goal in sight. Until Mistress Enya Blake came to call with a task that could only be solved by making use of a specific set of skills that have made his name infamous among those that dwell in the shadows for centuries. Now the rules of survival and engagement have changed. The chaotic path of confusion has finally changed shape and shown some direction. Now the Enforcer seeks to take his first steps along… The Path of Redemption. Bryce Kreed even has his own soundtrack! 

hunted cover 

The second installment to this series released July 20, 2017. Available in print, kindle and KU, this is one book you will not want to miss! It is Dark Land: The Path of Redemption; A Story of Bryce Kreed, The Hunted. Pittsburgh was just the beginning. Immediately following his victory against the Blood Coven, Bryce Kreed must now seek aid wherever he can to keep Enya Blake safe. Wanted by the Blood Coven, and wanted for questioning by the Vampire Council, Bryce Kreed, the mighty Enforcer is now, The Hunted. From CHBB Publishing The spinoff to Kindra Sowder's Permutation Archives is here. Welcome to the other side of the war. 💥Available now in kindle and print formats!! Or Read Free on KU!💥 The cost of capturing a terrorist can include your HEART. smarturl.it/InvincibleHeart http://amazon.com/author/bryanatann #Political #thriller #Action #KindleUnlimited IH Cover His second published novel, the spinoff to Kindra Sowder's Permutation Archives, Invincible Heart: The John Baker Chronicles [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ2znmIBDJE&w=560&h=315] President Emerson King had John Baker created to capture or kill rebel "terrorist" Mila Hunter at all costs. Unfortunately for the President, John's HEART had other plans. IH teaser1

Now available from HellBound Books! The Carnage of Pestilence is featured in Demons, Devils, and Denizens of Hell anthology! The newest member of the Dark Land, the world where Bryce Kreed himself resides! Read the tale of the Horsemen Pestilence in this visceral origin tale. Released July 2017. IMG_20170619_001146_028 FB_IMG_1497764333410 FB_IMG_1496919967363

What's next for Bryan?

He also has a book called Concussion: Release TBD
Unbreakable Mind: The John Baker Chronicles Book 2 TBD
jbc2 teaser

About Bryan:

Bryan A Tann Known for the Path of Redemption series and the John Baker Chronicles, Bryan also does voice overs and some audiobook narrations. Bryan A. Tann was born in Pittsburgh, PA and has lived in Western PA all of his life except for eight years in New England. His debut novel "The Enforcer" was first written in 2007 and was originally self published in 2009 before being accepted by CH&BB Publishing in 2016 and published in early 2017. Bryan lives a quiet life with his two cats while geeking with his friends. He's got a 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo and by day he's a security supervisor. He graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with a Bachelors of Arts in Communication with a Minor in Creative Writing. He used to sing in R&B groups and a Metal Punk Band. Bryan is also a movie fanatic! He proudly has close to 1100 DVD's in his ever growing collection. His favorite shows are The Flash, Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Legends of Tomorrow, Black-ish, Goldbergs, Lethal Weapon, The Walking Dead, Fraiser, Cheers, Friends and Z Nation. His ultimate goal is to live in a cabin in the woods. Or a Double Wide trailer in the middle of nowhere...so long as he can get Netflix... And if he can't have those things then he wants to be the weird guy that people politely call eccentric that won't let anyone on his lawn.

Follow Bryan:

Bryan's Website where you can keep up with all things Bryan: http://www.bryantann.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BryanTannAuthor Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorBryanTann/ Instagram: @author_bryan_tann Bryan's Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/2tONzyb Bryan is a Goodreads Author - Visit him here: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6037749.Bryan_Tann Bryan has a Newsletter Sign-up for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with what’s going on. You can sign up here. http://eepurl.com/cP03bz Join Bryan's Reader's Group on Facebook - All Things Bryan Tann: https://www.facebook.com/groups/418195301914790/

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Forsaken Tour:

Title: Forsaken Author: Connie Ann Michael Release Date: May 23, 2017 ISBN: 9780997727890

 Eighteen-year-old Oli cannot remember life outside the barrier, a life before the oil spill that poisoned human kind, killing half the population and infecting the other half until they deteriorated from the inside out, forced to walk the earth as Screamers. It’s a dangerous new world in which barely anyone makes it past the age of twenty, and Oli’s time is running out.   Studying the Bible, Oli searches for words to help restore faith in a lost world, and when she receives a message from God telling her to leave the barrier, she knows what she must do. There’s only one problem: Her best friend, Coi, doesn’t believe her, and he’s showing the first signs of infection. But before she can convince him to leave with her, the Governor quarantines Coi and orders his execution. Oli risks it all to rescue Coi, and they set out to find sanctuary away from the safety of the compound, not knowing who or what will get to them first: the Governor, the illness, or the Screamers. When they stumble upon a group of uninfected humans hidden among the rubble of an apartment building, they think they’ve found their salvation. But not everything is as it seems, and their enemies are closer than they thought.     Book Links: Anaiah Press:http://anaiahpress.com/forsaken Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/Forsaken-Screamers-Book-Connie-Michael-ebook Barnes and Noble:https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/forsaken-connie-ann-michael Itunes:https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/forsaken Kobo:https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/forsaken-61 Goodreads:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35209907-forsaken?from_search=true   


A compelling read that makes you consider the end of civilization as we know it. A good and entertaining read that reminded me a great deal of TWD. Looking forward to more in the series.

About the Author:

A new resident of Montana, Connie Ann Michael grew up in a close family on the outskirts of Seattle. Drawn to the Lord she’s followed her calling of service and has taught for twenty-six years, currently the fifth grade teacher at Crow Agency Public School, on the Crow Reservation. Connie loves her family and is lucky enough to have two grown boys. Living with her husband and two dogs in Big Sky country, Connie enjoys any activity that takes her outside and is working hard to overcome her fear of being eaten by a bear to enjoy more hiking trips in the mountains. Website:http://connie-avidreader.blogspot.com/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/connieannmichael/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/connieamichael 

Read Below for an excerpt from Forsaken:
I’d worked in the garden all day, digging up dry, hard dirt in an attempt to thin out weeds that were indistinguishable from the edible plants. I sat back on my heels and looked around at the others digging with sticks and crude tools bent from scraps of metal. I thought back to a history book I’d found in the school across the street from where our tiny speck of civilization sat. The pictures of the cities were faded, but the grandeur couldn’t be dulled. The sun shone from the great heights of the buildings like stars guiding people through their lives. Lives that were full and held the hope of growth and diversity. Lives that were lost, and lives I would never know. I devoured news from the past. I’d read every book I could find until the day the Governor took over and sent the Guard in to gather them all and burn them in a huge bonfire to show us the past no longer mattered.   Only the future mattered now. The future he would make for us.   I’d hidden a few of my favorite books and then ripped out pictures that spoke to me of what could be once more. I had them in my pockets until the day one fell out and the Guard, a group of empowered teenagers doing the dirty work for the Governor, found them. My arms were bound to a table in the middle of the compound, and my hands were hit with a switch twenty times before I was left as an example. My transgression—hope—was the first of the rules scratched on to the wall of rules. Of course, it said act of defiance.   Defiance of what?   Defiance of a rule that took the past and left it there?   I kneeled at the table until dusk when my friends, Bliss and Coi, were allowed to release me. I was expected to continue my duties in the garden the next day as if my hands weren’t sore, swollen, and bloody; as if nothing had transpired.   Take your punishment and step back into the predictable path of your life.   I was much more careful after that and folded the photographs until they were small squares and hid them among my possessions, only giving myself the luxury of carrying one hidden deep in my pocket. After more than ten years behind these fences, we had little to show other than a belief system that was the backbone to salvation slowing being taken from us. Even though I didn’t agree with rules outlined and constantly being revised without question or input from those living under them, this was the only home I’d known since arriving when I was nine.   It was desolate and dying a little more every day, but it was a refuge for those of us who refused to give up a chance of survival. We paid for our residence through tedious chores that never seemed to get us closer to breaking the barrier between survival and living. Every day we woke to the monotonous tasks, doing what needed to be done to earn our place and not be forsaken into the abyss of death waiting outside our fences.   Most days, I found my refuge in the skeleton of a school just outside the safety zone of the chain link. A place once filled with knowledge and guidance but now a shell of a world left far behind.   Dusk had settled, along with a light drizzle. I’d left my tools in the shed after my chores and had spent the last hours of daylight in the school with History books and the Bible I had hidden deep in the bowels of a dilapidated classroom. I’d found loose pages in a pile of trash that listed the nine things needed before a world was considered a civilization; a written language, a belief system, a stable food supply, government, art, ways to improve life, a social structure, lasting settlements, and a trade or economics. If this list was accurate, we had a long way to go before we were considered anything more than a group of young people camping in the middle of what used to be a sports field. I began to cross over the make-shift bridge the Guard had strung between the school and the rickety guard tower they’d erected. I usually slipped through the gate to walk the short distance across the road and through the doors of the school, but I’d waited too long and the path back to the barrier was filled with the infected, the screeching noise of their breathing, earning them the name Screamers, floated up from the road below. I stopped, daring to look down at the small space between my feet and the dozens of clawing fingers reaching up in the small chance they could snag my pants or a shoelace and bring me to my death. I inched forward, hearing the deep rasp of a cough before I saw the figure waiting on the other side of the bridge. I glanced up at the clouds, darkening as they filled with the poisoned rain they would tease us with. A wetness that wouldn’t bring life but instead kill the small plants we nurtured and damage the health of the young who eagerly drank from the barrels before the water was purified.   The cough came again, and as I neared the other side, the tall figure of my best friend, Coi, emerged.   "Bliss missed her work duty for the day," his words came out quickly.   "I’ll find her." I didn’t wait for an explanation, there wasn’t time. I needed to find her before Bliss’s punishment became a new revision on the wall of rules.   Coi grabbed my arm, stopping me. "I was sent after her. She’s at the fence but won’t come back with me. I can’t stall the Guard long."   "I told you, I’ll get her." I stomped down the stairs and took off at a run.   It was her first absence in months, so the punishment would more than likely be a warning. I prayed it would be a warning and nothing more, but I needed to make sure if she was doing anything more than missing work that I got to her before anyone else did. I needed to know she was okay and keep her that way. It didn’t take long to find her. The barrier wasn’t that big.   "Missed you at the garden today," I said quietly, walking up behind her. Bliss was eleven, and I’d practically raised her even though I was a kid myself. She was sitting on the ground watching a small group of Screamers milling around a pile of… of something I didn’t want to know what it was. The barrier was surrounded by trees that, at one time, I was sure provided a cool shade from the sun. Now the needles were red with what looked to be the same fate as us. The school we’d settled in was away from a town I assumed lay out past the trees. I’d always thought it was why it was chosen in the early years… for its seclusion. No one alive today had ever gone farther than the school across the broken road. Very few buildings lay further, a long patch of runway from what use to be an airstrip, but legend had it the large metal buildings housed a mass of those who died from infection, and going that far from the barrier was listed on the wall of laws, so no one I knew ever ventured that way.   "There’s plenty of people to clean the gardens. You don’t need me," she muttered. Her fingers were laced into the metal links of the fence, her eyes glued to the slumped figures across a small dirt patch.   "It’s best we leave them to…"   "To what?" Bliss questioned. Her mood concerned me. Bliss was the happy one. The one whose real name I couldn’t even remember. We all called her Bliss because of her never ending cheer.   I looked at the ground, the water collecting in rounded mounds over the caked earth, not yet soaking into the tightly pressed dirt, and wondered the same thing. It was best we let them be. It was best we left them to do whatever it was they did without anyone watching. "I don’t know, Bliss, but you don’t want to watch them."   Bliss turned to me. "Our existence means nothing if we don’t honor the dead."   I tried not to flinch at her words. "Honor the dead?"   "They were just like us until their luck changed. I don’t think they mean to hurt us. They want to survive… so do we."   I looked at a woman who stood swaying slowly back and forth on the other side of the barrier. Her face was unrecognizable, but even with clothes in tattered strips and covered in mud, I knew who she was. This woman had been the last of what would be considered an adult in our small community of safety. I sighed again and understood what had kept Bliss from her work. The woman had been Bliss’s aunt.   I didn’t want to argue the fact that their need to survive was futile seeing as they were as good as dead, infected with a sickness that if there was a chance of a cure, we certainly didn’t have any way of finding it, but I also didn’t want to agree with her. The Governor had been in control for a few short years, and words used when discussing the methods he had for removing those who questioned him had to be chosen more carefully these days.   Bliss stared out into the growing darkness. "She didn’t do anything wrong."   "She questioned," I said quietly.   "And is that so wrong?"   I shook my head no, but in my heart I knew it was dangerous to question the Governor and his methods. I understood his need to control us. In the beginning, there was no organization and mistakes were made that we continue to pay for today.   "She told the guard she was too sick to work. She snuck out when they were watching the gate." She glanced up at me. "She was with child." Her big eyes blinked and a tear fell. "I would have had a cousin."   I opened my mouth to respond, but words had left me. I wasn’t sure where to start on the list of disturbing questions her words put in my head. The biggest being why she thought her aunt had had a choice in her exile. Finally, I said, "I’m sorry."   "It was her terms not theirs." Bliss let out a long breath, releasing her negativity. "Tell me something good." She wiped at her cheeks with one hand. Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the fence tighter with the other. I placed my hand over hers. When darkness fell completely and the Screamers became frenzied for food, they would come for something as small as a finger. Even the smallest scratch from their infected nails could cause the infection to spread.   "You’re here for a reason. If you weren’t supposed to be here, you wouldn’t be," I said. The rasps of the Screamers were getting louder as the sky became fully dark and the rain began.   "Please, Bliss," I whispered. "Please. Come to dinner with me."   One of the Screamers came to us, head cocked to the left, jaws chomping at nothing. Bliss took a step back, finally letting go of the fence.   The vacant eyes of the walking corpses drew me in. Many called them lost souls, but they weren’t. These were empty shells of people. People who’d been loved. I’d spent many hours looking into the weeping, yellow eyes of the sick, trying to understand. But when there is nothing in them, there’s nothing to find.   "Please," I said again.   Bliss didn’t divert her eyes from where they stared. "You can go, Oli."   "No. Come with me."   She turned and met my stare. "I need her to know I’m here. I’ll survive for her, and I want her to get strength from that."   I pressed my lips to her temple. "I love you, Bliss. But you can’t be found here. Illness is the only excuse for absence. You can’t stay."   Reluctantly, she agreed and returned with me to the large building where dinner was waiting. The Screamers rarely returned to the barrier. Her aunt had slipped away in the morning. Escaped, we told ourselves. Trying to find others and then return with a great flourish to tell us the world had returned just a few miles down the road. It was best we kept those dreams alive. It was better than the alternative, the one where the Guard led her into the vacant world outside our walls without even a simple weapon. No one who left ever returned. The Guard made sure of that, and I highly doubted it was her aunt. This was just a woman wearing the same dress who happened upon us. I looked down at my own clothes and wondered if this was an outfit I wanted to wear while I walked the earth as a Screamer.
The Giveaway: Go here for an awesome giveaway! : https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d3e9359422/

Monday, October 31, 2016

Paranormal Bar and Grill Tour and Giveaway

Paranormal Bar & Grill Tour

Will O’ the Wisp
by Craig Boyack

A Thousand Yesteryears
by Mae Clair

Vampire Island
by Sandra Cox

The Glade
by Harmony Kent

Love Set in Stone
by Staci Troilo


GENRE: Paranormal



October starts out warm and sunny, but this is the month when everything changes. Mornings grow frosty, leaves change colors, and the breeze takes on a bite.

Summer dies.

It’s a time for harvest celebrations. A boy loans a girl his coat. She snuggles a little closer and takes his hand. A riot of autumn splendor accompanies the farmer’s market where they stroll.

But the vibrancy of daylight doesn’t compare to the darkness of night. Is that chill on your neck the breeze or something else?

October night

You walk a tad faster and look over your shoulder. The trees creak when the wind whips through their branches—at least, you hope that noise came from the undulating bows.

You check under the bed and inside the closet before climbing under the covers. Sleep doesn’t come easy. The old house groans its complaints, and the night magnifies every innocuous noise until terror paralyzes you—because you know nefarious things go bump in the night.

Welcome to the

Paranormal Bar & Grille Blog Tour

…where you can rub elbows with everyone from a gargoyle or vampire, to a creature from urban legend, or the ghostly realms of myth. Step up to the bar, grab a booth. You never know what’s on the menu, or if you might end up there yourself.

Sound like your kind of hangout? Then you’ve come to the right place. We’re a group of five authors who love nothing more than to trigger the chill that crawls up your back, the nervous glance tossed over your shoulder. We invite you to discover outstanding books and check out our awesome tour prizes.

Just be careful of what the bartender serves you. That heady brew may not be a beer, and witches can’t be trusted to provide effective antidotes.


Excerpt Five:

Love Set in Stone

He gasped but only succeeded in inhaling thick embers. “I hate it when you do that to me, Anael. What the hell?”

“Not what, Damien,” Anael said. “Where. It’s against the rules, but you needed to see.”


“The first level.”

Damien choked on clouds of brimstone and looked around. Bodies hung on racks, some scourged by demonic creatures wielding whips of fire, others stretched until their limbs tore off only to reassemble and stretch again. Some souls were skinned and devoured, the torment cyclical, never-ending. Giant beasts with nine-inch claws and twelve-inch teeth tore people into bloody shreds. They gnawed on the bones of writhing beings, snarling and snapping at anything near them.

There was no blessed retreat into unconsciousness or death. This was their other side, their ever-after, their eternity. The tormented endured each torture, alert and unprotected. Impossibly hot gusts of wind howled through the cavern, tossing the departed from one horror to the next. And the maniacal screeches of the tormentors were only overpowered by the anguished wails of the damned.

“I’ve seen enough.” Damien’s words were barely intelligible through his coughing and wheezing.

“Are you certain? This is only the first level. The second level hosts souls feeding on their own entrails, or having a myriad of sexual violations forced upon them. Rape. Sodomy. Bestiality. And then there’s—”

Damien clutched Anael’s arm. “Enough!”

“Do you understand now?”

Damien looked up and howled, his throat burning, his voice mingling into the sounds of all the other lost souls, an agonizing dirge melodic only to Satan himself.

When he thought the devil’s name, the most sinister laugh echoed through the cavern, a shadow given voice and power. It sent chills down his burning spine. The demons cheered, their victims cowered, and Damien cringed, seeking escape that would only be denied him.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Author Bios

Craig Boyack

Just a fiction writer, trying to reach the world.

Craig came to fiction writing later in life than most authors. He always had to write, to one degree or another as part of various jobs. Early one winter morning, he conquered the Internet and didn’t feel like shoveling the sidewalk until the
sun came up. He tried a few pages of fiction and got hooked.

Craig doesn’t like limitations and calls himself a writer of speculative fiction. It’s a broad field, but he limits himself to science fiction, paranormal, and a bit of fantasy.

He has eight published works—six novels and two collections of short stories.

You can find him at the following locations:

Amazon Author Page  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00ILXBXUY

| His blog: Entertaining Stories  https://coldhandboyack.wordpress.com/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ColdhandBoyack

| Twitter https://twitter.com/Virgilante

Goodreads  http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/9841203.C_S_Boyack

Mae Clair

Mystery & Suspense…with a dash of Myth & Romance

Mystery, Psychological Thrillers, Supernatural Suspense, Romantic Suspense
Quirky fact I don’t want anyone to know:
(or maybe I do)….I saw a UFO when I was six. Probably why I write some of the stuff I do.

They say everyone has a story to tell.

I wrote my first childish “masterpiece” at six and was immediately bitten by the writing bug. Since then, I’ve been composing nonstop, and have dabbled in multiple genres over the years, writing everything from fantasy, westerns, and horror to inspirational fiction, romance, and sci-fi. It took me a while to find my niche, but I’ve settled comfortably into the mystery/suspense genre (with a just a dash of romance tossed in).

Several of my earlier works have strong romantic themes, but all are infused with threads of mystery. I have a passion for folklore, myth, and urban legends and that attraction often factors into my writing. You’ll find threads of archaic tales and mysterious places woven throughout many of my novels.

I am a member of the International Thriller Writers and a past president of the Central Pennsylvania Writer’s Organization. If I’m not camped out at my keyboard or have my nose buried in a book, I’m likely looking up blurry images of cryptids on Google, sorting through vintage photographs or imagining life as a cat.

Relevant Links:
Website https://maeclair.net
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Mae-Clair/e/B009I61ND0
BookBub | https://www.bookbub.com/authors/mae-clair Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6468716.Mae_Clair
Newsletter  http://maeclair.us9.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=b0a5feceefdac32ff722e6690&id=11fb698a31
Twitter https://twitter.com/MaeClair1
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/maeclairauthor/
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/maeclair/
Google + https://plus.google.com/+MaeClair
Kensington Publishing http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/29541

Sandra Cox

 Living life. Writing fantasy.

Sandra writes YA Fantasy, Paranormal and Historical Romance, and Metaphysical Nonfiction. She lives in sunny North Carolina with her husband, a brood of critters and an occasional foster cat. Although shopping is high on the list, her greatest pleasure is sitting on her screened in porch, listening to the birds, sipping coffee or a latte and enjoying a good book. She's a vegetarian and a Muay Thai enthusiast.
Relevant Links:
Blog: https://sandracox.blogspot.com
Website: http://sandracox1.com
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/SandraCox.Author
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sandra_Cox

Harmony Kent

The author who gets write into your head.
  Genres: Multi-genre
Quirky Fact I don’t want anyone to know: Wrote the entirety of The Glade while listening to the Twilight movie soundtrack. And she’s not mentioning the glass of white (ahem) ‘grape juice’ that kept finding its way to her computer station.

Author Bio:
Harmony Kent is famous for her laughter, and has made quite the name for herself … she’s also, um, a writer … and fairly well known for that too. She’s even won a few awards. Harmony lives in rural Cornwall with her ever-present sense of humour and quirky neighbours and refuses to admit to her age.

If you catch her at work, you’ll see that she also offers editing, proof reading, manuscript appraisal, and beta reading services. Not to mention being passionate about supporting her fellow authors.

Links to Harmony and her books:
Website: www.harmonykent.co.uk

Twitter: @harmony_kent

Facebook: www.facebook.com/HarmonyKentOnline

Amazon US Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Harmony-Kent/e/B00CO0AR7U/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

Amazon UK Author Page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Harmony-Kent/e/B00CO0AR7U/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/HarmonyK

Staci Troilo

Staci Troilo. Writing Relationship Wrongs.

Romance, Suspense, Paranormal, Mystery, and Mainstream

Quirky fact I don’t want anyone to know:

The socks in my sock drawer and the books on my shelf are arranged in rainbow order.


I’ve always loved fiction, ever since my parents read me fairy tales when I was little. Today, my interests are much more eclectic. I love getting lost in sci-fi battles, fantasy realms, horror worlds, suspenseful intrigues, and romantic entanglements.

As goes my reading, so goes my writing. I can’t pick a single genre to focus on, so I don’t even try. I’m proud to say I’m a multi-genre author.

When I’m not reading or writing, I’m spending time with family and friends, possibly cooking for them, or maybe enjoying an afternoon in the pool. To learn more about me, visit me at http://stacitroilo.com or connect with me on social media.

Relevant Links:
Website http://stacitroilo.com/
Amazon http://amazon.com/author/stacitroilo
BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/staci-troilo
Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/staci_troilo
Newsletter  http://eepurl.com/bPgAI5
Twitter https://twitter.com/stacitroilo
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/authorstacitroilo
FB Group http://www.facebook.com/groups/stacitroilosnovelidea
Pinterest https://pinterest.com/stacitroilo
Google + https://plus.google.com/+StaciTroilo
LinkedIn  https://linkedin.com/in/stacitroilo


The authors will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Got Zombies? The Invitation by Dana Wright

*´¨✫)Some fairy tales
¸.•´¸.•*´¨)✯ ¸.•*¨) are just twisted…
✮ (¸.•´✶(¸.•`¸.•*¨)¸.•´¸.•*´¨)✯ ¸.•*¨) The Invitation
✮ (¸.•´✶(¸.•`✮ (¸.•´✶(¸.•`✮ (¸.•´✶(¸.•`✮ by Dana Wright                                                   
✫¸.•°*˜”*°•.¸✫ Grab It Today! ✫¸.•°*˜”*°•.¸✫

Every witch needs a familiar. Sometimes maybe two…

Morgana is a hedge witch with a problem. Her sisters are conspiring against her and she has a ghost with a fork phobia living in her shoe closet. When the chance comes to crash a party she just knows she should have been invited to comes along, she enlists the aid of her trusty cat Nona to help her cast the spell for the perfect dress. But crashing this party isn't the only thing that’s going to rain on this witch’s parade.

Marcus of Pendleton is a cat shifter in search of his brother. Then a lead at the Warty Frog takes him on an adventure filled with magic and well…zombies. Can the prince find the fair witch and the answer he seeks? And he might just be the familiar she's looking for...

Pages: 51
Genre-paranormal romance, fantasy romance, low heat rating, shifters, m/f, light horror
Buy links:
All Romance E-books: https://goo.gl/o21U28
Tags-shifter, fantasy, witch, fairy tale twist, ghosts, cats, humor, zombies


“He’s been missing for months. How can you not care?” Marcus Pendleton ground out, staring at his father in disbelief. The king sat on his throne gnawing on a turkey leg, grease sliding down his pudgy face.
“Because my boy, Rhys was the younger son. He may have been a prince, but you’re the one who will inherit the throne.”
“So why did you bother searching the kingdom for a princess and having a ball?”
The king narrowed his eyes at his son. “That happened to be for you. Scheduling a dragon-hunting trip for that weekend was in atrocious form. Your mother was highly disappointed.”
“I’ll bet.” Marcus kicked his foot against the dais. He fought down the urge to shift and show his father his extreme displeasure. No doubt the old man would have an apoplectic fit if he found out his son had been bitten and turned into the one animal he despised the most. Not even a beast like a wolf, but merely a cat. His father loathed the animals and forbade having them on the castle grounds.
“You need to focus on finding yourself a princess, not running about the kingdoms slaying beasts and bothering with that fool brother of yours. The last time anyone saw him, he was following some skirt around and blathering on about a missing shoe.” His father shuddered, holding his hand up in disgust. “There were twelve of them. All dressed alike too. The men were talking about it. Prattling, dancing, blonde things with wings.” His wandering eye drifted toward a serving wench with a rather tight bodice.
Marcus couldn’t believe his ears. Twelve of them? That didn’t sound right. Neither did his father’s decision not look for Rhys. It was unthinkable. Right now, if he could have, he would dump his inheritance in his father’s lap and be done with him. The man’s priorities were limited to two things. Food and sleep.
No. Make it three. His father had the wandering eye of a lecherous pig farmer. He didn’t know how his mother stood it. Given the chance, he was surprised she hadn’t chucked him over the palace walls years ago and been done with it.
“Wait, Father. Did you say he was sniffing around a girl with a missing shoe?”
“Yes,” his father chuffed. “What of it?”
“What of it, indeed…” Marcus stalked out of the throne room, an idea forming in his head. Someone else must have seen a shoeless maiden, and he was damn well going to find out what was going on. And twelve girls all dressed the same? How very odd indeed. He wasn’t known as the best tracker in the two kingdoms for naught. If he couldn’t find out something about them, he may as well go sit up in the tower and sew with his mother’s handmaidens.
“Marcus. Come back here. Marcus!”
He shut the door on his father’s ranting, encountering his servant boy on the other side of the door.
“Geoffrey, Saddle my horse. Tonight we ride.”

About the author:
Dana Wright has always had a fascination with things that go bump in the night. She is often found playing at local bookstores, trying not to maim herself with crochet hooks or knitting needles, watching monster movies with her husband and furry kids or blogging about books. More commonly, she is chained to her computers, writing like a woman possessed. She is currently working on several children's stories, young adult fiction, romantic suspense, short stories and is trying her hand at poetry. She is the author of Asylum, The Invitation and Texas Twister.   She is also a contributing author to Ghost Sniffer’s CYOA The Haunting of Zephyr Zoo, Siren’s Call E-zine in their “Women in Horror” issue in February 2013 and "Revenge" in October 2013, a contributing author to Potatoes!, Fossil Lake, Of Dragons and Magic: Tales of the Lost Worlds, Undead in Pictures, Potnia, Shadows and Light, Dark Corners (upcoming), Wonderstruck, Shifters: A Charity Anthology, Dead Harvest, Monster Diaries, Holiday Horrors and the Roms, Bombs and Zoms Anthology from Evil Girlfriend Media. Dana has also reviewed music for Muzikreviews.com, New Age Music Reviews and Write a Music review specializing in New Age and alternative music and has been a contributing writer to Eternal Haunted Summer, Massacre Magazine, Metaphor Magazine, The Were Traveler October 2013 edition: The Little Magazine of Magnificent Monsters, the December 2013 issue The Day the Zombies Ruled the Earth and Infective Ink.

Follow Dana’s reviews:
Twitter: @danawrite
Author site and newsletter: http://danawrightauthor.wix.com/danawright
Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/danawrightauthor
The Romance Reviews: http://www.theromancereviews.com/DanaWright
Amazon Author Page: http://goo.gl/EEvrN1

Wordpress Blog: https://wordpress.com/page/danawriteblog.wordpress.com/

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Attack of the 14 Nights of Halloween Giveaway

It's that time of year again. The days are getting shorter, the air is getting cooler and the nights are getting spookier. Yes, it's time for tricks and treats, goblins and ghouls, chills and thrills and huge amounts of sugary sweets. But at the Laughing Vixen Lounge blog it's also time for the 5th annual Attack of the 14 Nights of Halloween Giveaway. Join Laughing Vixen Lounge and our bewitching co-hosts The Kids Did It, The Mommy Island, Herding Cats and Burning Soup, The Hopping Bloggers, Mama Smith's Reviews and Women and Their Pretties for a spooktacular Halloween event.
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Monday, September 12, 2016

Paranormal Romance iBook Lover's Event: September 12th

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